The Fairy
Godparent Project
The Fairy Godparent Project (FGP), an initiative of the Tri-County Human Trafficking Task Force in partnership with the Dee Norton Child Advocacy Center, aims to connect community members with youth who have experienced human trafficking and are in need of ongoing support through anonymous sponsorship.
Sponsorships are flexible and non-committal, but we encourage Fairy Godparents to support their assigned child for as long as they are able, or until the child turns 18, whichever comes first.
Ways to support a child may include, but are not limited to: writing encouraging notes, sending gifts for birthdays or other milestones, helping meet basic needs, or simply offering moral support as a behind-the-scenes cheerleader for a child who has little to no other support.
If you're interested in becoming a Fairy Godparent please fill out the application below. If you have any questions, please email into@tricountyhttf.org.